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Dedicated to helping you embrace life with all of your senses.

HearSharp are an independent hearing care provider. We carry out hearing tests, wax removal and other services in day clinics across Midlothian and Scottish Borders.


Whats involved in a hearing check

As part of this we will ask you about your medical history along with any hearing and communication needs you may have.We will check the health of your ears, including outer ear, ear canal and ear drum as well as looking for any build up of wax. We will test your hearing using in ear disposable inserts as well as other tests as necessary.


After this we can go through your communication and hearing needs along with results from the tests performed (and we can set goals on how to proceed with your hearing together) to give you advice on how to proceed from here. This can involve how to manage communication, tips and tricks, reference material to look at about  hearing, hearing aids and aftercare packages, wax removal *, and individual management plans.




Microsuction ear wax removal

Microsuction is a gentle way of removing excessive or troublesome wax without water. The process involves a small suction tube which will gently and painlessly remove wax build up from the ear.


Whats the cost?

Microsuction is £40 for one ear and £60 for both ears.




Repair what you thought was lost

Stocking a range of high quality brands with the most up to date technology, I am sure to find a solution to improve the quality of your hearing. Hearing aids can offer you a whole new chance to experience life. Book in for a consultation today to see how a hearing aid could change your life.


Take a hearing test quickly and easily online now

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